
adopted during the Assembly in Fribourg on 2-3 October 2014 and annexed to the Internal Rules


The Presidency


at the latest six months before the Assembly

at the latest four months before the Assembly

at the latest three months before the Assembly

at the latest two months before the Assembly

at the latest one month before the Assembly

List of Member Services

communicate to the Chair of the "Internal Rules" working group the list of Member Services

  • that respond to its communications;

  • that do not respond to its communications;

  • that have expressed their desire to leave COTSOES;

  • that are new

contact the Member Services that could be excluded


communicate the list of Service representatives who will be present at the Assembly (this list shall be updated in case of late registration)


Amendments to the Internal Rules


communicate immediately, or at the latest four months before the Assembly, to the Member and Participating Services, any amendment to the Internal Rules proposed by a Member Service


communicate to the Member and Participating Services the proposed changes to an amendment


Agenda of the Assembly



establish the agenda

send to all Member and Participating Members the working group reports, proposals, and any other document that will be the subject of an intervention included in the Assembly agenda

update and amend the final version of the agenda

Candidate for the new Presidency

begin to seek a candidate Service for the new Presidency at least one year before the Assembly. If it has not yet found a successor, it shall inform all the Member Services






Working group Chairs



at the latest two month before the Assembly

at the latest one month before the Assembly

at the latest one month after the Assembly

Meetings and presentations

communicate to the Presidency and the Chair of the "Internal Rules" working group

  • as soon as possible, the date and venue of the working group’s next meeting

  • following each meeting, the list of Member Services

    • that participate in the work of each group

    • that have responded to their questionnaires

    • that have not responded to their questionnaires

submit their presentation or report to the Presidency (five pages maximum);

communicate to the Presidency the list of equipment needed for their presentation

communicate to the Presidency the documents concerning their presentation to be distributed during the Assembly – presentations should not last more than 20 minutes

communicate to the Presidency the summary of debates concerning the report they have submitted, to be included in the conclusions


Chair of the "Internal Rules" working group


at the latest six months before the Assembly

at the latest three months before the Assembly

List of Member Services

communicate to the Presidency the list

  • of Member Services that could be excluded

  • of the contacted Services that have expressed their desire to become Members

draw up the list of Member Services that will be presented to the Assembly, and communicate it to the Presidency


Member Services


at the latest three months before the Assembly


send to the Presidency all proposals they intend to submit to the Assembly